Friday, April 16, 2010

Another Funny Story ^ ^

As we know laughter is the best medicine for us. If u stress or mad try to laugh, because it will make u feel comfortable and cool down.Trust me.ehehe. So here i have some stupid story for all of you..

Story 1:
A Computer Geek is crossing the road when he sees a frog who starts talking. "If you kiss me," the frog says, "I'll turn into a beautiful princess, stay with you for a week and do whatever you want." The guy smiles and pockets the frog. " Did you h
ear me?" ask the frog. "A beautiful princess? for a week?
"Look," says the nerd, "I haven't got time for a girlfriend. But a " talking frog" now that's cool."
Story 2:
The Farmer take a shortcut through his orchard to get to a nearby pond, carrying a bucket to bring some fruit. Once he gets to the pond, he is surprised to see two girls skinny dipping.
They see him and immediately drop below the water. "We're not coming out until you leaves!" shouts one of the girls. "I didn't come to watch you swim naked," say the farmer, holding up the bucket. "I'm just here to feed the gators."
Story 3:
Scientist have identified a food that, once digested, can have negative effect on people's health that last for decades, including mood-swings in women, psychotic episode in men and severe depression in both. It's called wedding cake.
Story 4:
Bert the snake goes to see his doctor. " I need something for my eyes. I can't see very well these days," he said. The doctor gives him a pair of glasses and tells him to come back in a fortnight.
Bert returns two weeks later and tell the doc he's very depressed. " What's the problem?" asks the doctor." Didn't the glasses help you?"
" The glasses are fine ," says Bert." But i just discovered I've been living with a garden hose for the last three years."
Story 5:
Have Two criminals who sentenced to die in the electric chair on the same day. The priest had given them both last rites and a formal speech had been given by the warden. The warden asked the first man, " Do you have a last question?"
The man replied, "Yes, sir, i do. I love James Blunt. Could i please hear 'You're Beautiful' one last time?". Of course." replied the warden. He turned to the other man and asked, " What about you? what is your final request?"
" Please." said the condemned man. "kill me first."