Friday, October 30, 2009


This story about a boy that very love at one girl...the girl same college with him also his friend.Honestly..the boy don't know how to tell the girl that he very love her!the boy just keep his felling in hearth..Until one day,the boy make his self brave and call the girl. . .

Boy:I need someone to talk to.
Girl:I'm always here for you.
Boy:I know.
Girl:what's wrong?
Boy:I like her so much.
Girl:Talk to her.
Boy:I don't know.She won't ever like me.
Girl:Don;t say're amazing.
Boy:I just want her to know how i feel.
Girl:Then tell her.
Boy:She won't like me.
Girl:How do you know that?
Boy:I can just tell her...
Girl:Well just tell her.
Boy:What should I say?
Girl:Tell her how much you like her.
Boy:I tell her daily.
Girl:What do you mean?
Boy:I'm always with her...I love her.
Girl:I know how you feel.I have the same problem...but he'll never like me.
Boy:Wait. who do you like?
Girl:Oh,some boy.
Boy:Oh,she won't like me either.
Girl:she does.
Boy:How do you know?
Girl:Because who wouldn"t like you.
Girl:You're wrong.I love you.
Boy:I love you too.
Girl:So are you going to talk to her?
Boy:I just did...

"Rub Eye"

One man that his hand using a hook,mutilated leg,and one eye being in one interview for becoming a pirates!

Interviewer:"how can you leg mutilated?"
Man:"injured when war world two!"
Interviewer:"why you hand have a hook?"
Man:been cut with a bigger knife!"
Interviewer:"then you eye?"
Man:one day,when raining,i look upwards to the sky,suddenly have one bird dropped his shit into my eye.
Interviewer:is that the cause you eye damage and only one left??
Man:No.That not the cause. My eye excluded when i use my hook to rub my eye. .uhuhuhu.

"Scream Togather"

There are five kids playing around at one river.Suddenly,one of the kids fall into the river.Although they all don't know how to swim.Then one of them take action with scream.
Because sound of the scream very slow and cannot heard by another people,then one of the kids say. . .
"Maybe better we all scream Together!"
"Yes! that's a good idea"answer his friend.And they start to scream. .


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Dialog 2 Ghost!!"

This story about two ghost!!this two ghost just meet and then they talk idly to fill up the time as a ghost.In they chat,ghost B always shiver,then ghost A fell weird and asking,
"why you always shiver?"

Oh...because my death very difficult!I'm dead in refrigerator. . .cold!!answer ghost B,at the same shiver.
"Oh. .pity. .me dead because hearth attack".say ghost A nicely.
"Are you really have serious hearth problem?why don't you,make operation at hospital?if you make it,sure now you will sitting with you family.Reply ghost B.
Already..i already make it!in fact before i dead,i in recovery.Long story. . .answer ghost A with sadness..
"story it to me.please".
"OK..i suspect that my wife dishonest with me,she have another man!so one day,i think want to trap my wife.Then as usually,i go to work but actually i park my car at the end junction not far from my house.Like i think,suddenly i see one car enter to my car park house.I just relax,because want find the suitable time to catch them!!"
"So,you get them them two??"ask ghost B,with interesting.
"No.I don't get them.I just see my wife in the room alone.What i confused here,when i enter to my house.I see a shoes in front the door of my house.
I asked my wife,but she don't want answer it.So i go search and running around my house,to find that man!all the room in my house,i already search,but i cannot find it.Lastly,i fell tired because running and then i was fainted because hearth attack and i don't expect i will die. .."say ghost A for end his story with sadness. . .
Ghost B,silently heard story from ghost A.Then during the time ghost B saying something. .
"Why don't you check at the refrigerator in you house?if you check there,sure we two will still alive. . . .."

"I'm Sorry"

This story about a girl that her language in English very terrible. .
One day she was crash with US tourist when she walk at the mall.
Girl:"I'm sorry"
Us tourist:"I'm sorry too"
The girl become confused, because don't understand what the us tourist say. She just guest and directly answer it. .
Girl:"I'm sorry three"
Us Tourist:"what are you sorry for?"
Girl:"I'm sorry five". .
Us Tourist:??????

Monday, October 19, 2009