Friday, October 30, 2009


This story about a boy that very love at one girl...the girl same college with him also his friend.Honestly..the boy don't know how to tell the girl that he very love her!the boy just keep his felling in hearth..Until one day,the boy make his self brave and call the girl. . .

Boy:I need someone to talk to.
Girl:I'm always here for you.
Boy:I know.
Girl:what's wrong?
Boy:I like her so much.
Girl:Talk to her.
Boy:I don't know.She won't ever like me.
Girl:Don;t say're amazing.
Boy:I just want her to know how i feel.
Girl:Then tell her.
Boy:She won't like me.
Girl:How do you know that?
Boy:I can just tell her...
Girl:Well just tell her.
Boy:What should I say?
Girl:Tell her how much you like her.
Boy:I tell her daily.
Girl:What do you mean?
Boy:I'm always with her...I love her.
Girl:I know how you feel.I have the same problem...but he'll never like me.
Boy:Wait. who do you like?
Girl:Oh,some boy.
Boy:Oh,she won't like me either.
Girl:she does.
Boy:How do you know?
Girl:Because who wouldn"t like you.
Girl:You're wrong.I love you.
Boy:I love you too.
Girl:So are you going to talk to her?
Boy:I just did...