Monday, February 22, 2010

Why Chef??

what i know about chef is the reality being a chef has its chellenges and this is where we talk about them in a nonsens way. You know the kitchen can often be hot and steamy,the work environment like a presurre cooker, and you're required to work many hours. But we also talk about the unique realeties of each segment;dealing with the executive committee in a hotel, working with hospital patients, and feeding troops in a war zone.

Truthfully, no one thing lured me into this culinary course. I take this course and want become a chef one day because interested to become a chef and it really all started with a love for food. I dont think i ever really accepted that it was easy to make food taste good, it seemed to be so scaredfor by anyone cooking. I still remmember that have some of my friend ask me,do you think you are born to be a chef? and i answer perhaps i'm are, perhaps not, but what i know is we are born with work, ethnics, pride, dedication, and perseverance. We are born to lead, born to teach, born to create! I dind't know what i want ed either.ahahaha