Thursday, November 26, 2009

secrets to living hapilly with your couples!!

You see them holding hands at the movies,strolling arm in arm on the street,shopping mall and many places. These are the happy couples..How do they do it?for your information here the secrete;1- There's are strong connection when you first meet. Ask any happy couple and they probably tell you they felt an instant connection and experienced a profound rapport when they first met. So, there is some truth to the saying "love at the first sight". 2- Different personalities, shared value. This delicate balance allows couples to realize that elusive combination of friendship (based on shared values) and passion (based on different). In many happy relationship,couples manage to be friends and lovers at once, an impressive achievement given that the conditions of friendship are in some ways diametrically opposed to the conditions that promote desire. 3- Respect for each other. A girl in a happy relationship know her man respects her ideas, beliefs and values regardless of whether he understand or egress with them. His love and respect are unconditional;he doesn't judge her. He may express an opinion, but the relationship is secure enough that she is free to disagree. 4- Your partner is always your best friends. Truly happy couples use the phrase "best friends", to describe their relationship. By "best friend", they mean they like each other best, above all others. They spend large amount of time together, talking, and pursuing joint interest. Whatever it is they want to do together. 5- No grudges. Of course, some argue more often and more fiercely than others. But contented couples say the real secret to their happiness is their ability to avoid getting vicious. So,if and when you quarrel, don't ever keep a grudge. When faced with a conflicts,it's okay to blow up and storm about,but then you've got to make a conscious decision to move on. 6- Roll with the changes. Most couples will change a great deal throughout the course of their relationship. Only the few will feel they are exactly the same people they where when they first got together. But happy couples always feel they've change for the batter. 7- Always focus on the positive. As psychologists have known for many years,positive expectations exert a tremendous force for positive result. Couples thrive in a relationship when their partners focus on the positive aspects of their personality and belive each other. 8- Passion and Romance. Many happy couples say friendship is more important than sex. However,a large number of relationship are founded in a deeply sexual love. 9- Power is not a problem. If a man and women truly love each other,they will not battle each other for dominance to see who comes out on top. This is not to say that there is no conflict whatsover in the relayionship,but reather,the arguments are neve,at any level about power and status. In a stable relationship,who pays for what would normally have been sorted out very early on in the relationship!!!