Friday, April 16, 2010

Another Funny Story ^ ^

As we know laughter is the best medicine for us. If u stress or mad try to laugh, because it will make u feel comfortable and cool down.Trust me.ehehe. So here i have some stupid story for all of you..

Story 1:
A Computer Geek is crossing the road when he sees a frog who starts talking. "If you kiss me," the frog says, "I'll turn into a beautiful princess, stay with you for a week and do whatever you want." The guy smiles and pockets the frog. " Did you h
ear me?" ask the frog. "A beautiful princess? for a week?
"Look," says the nerd, "I haven't got time for a girlfriend. But a " talking frog" now that's cool."
Story 2:
The Farmer take a shortcut through his orchard to get to a nearby pond, carrying a bucket to bring some fruit. Once he gets to the pond, he is surprised to see two girls skinny dipping.
They see him and immediately drop below the water. "We're not coming out until you leaves!" shouts one of the girls. "I didn't come to watch you swim naked," say the farmer, holding up the bucket. "I'm just here to feed the gators."
Story 3:
Scientist have identified a food that, once digested, can have negative effect on people's health that last for decades, including mood-swings in women, psychotic episode in men and severe depression in both. It's called wedding cake.
Story 4:
Bert the snake goes to see his doctor. " I need something for my eyes. I can't see very well these days," he said. The doctor gives him a pair of glasses and tells him to come back in a fortnight.
Bert returns two weeks later and tell the doc he's very depressed. " What's the problem?" asks the doctor." Didn't the glasses help you?"
" The glasses are fine ," says Bert." But i just discovered I've been living with a garden hose for the last three years."
Story 5:
Have Two criminals who sentenced to die in the electric chair on the same day. The priest had given them both last rites and a formal speech had been given by the warden. The warden asked the first man, " Do you have a last question?"
The man replied, "Yes, sir, i do. I love James Blunt. Could i please hear 'You're Beautiful' one last time?". Of course." replied the warden. He turned to the other man and asked, " What about you? what is your final request?"
" Please." said the condemned man. "kill me first."

Drum And Bass!!

Many musical genres have long since taken their baby steps before the general public tends to notice them. Rock and roll was already coming into it’s own before Alan Freed dubbed the famous moniker. Rap was long the voice of the street in New York before the Sugar Hill Gang took the Chic bass line from ‘Good Times’ and gave us ‘Rapper’s Delight.’ So long before David Bowie became entranced with drum and bass, it was the new hip music playing in the clubs in New York and London.

Drum and Bass is a form of dance music in which the name is taken from the part of the songs where the music breaks down to just the drums and the bass. It is a relatively new genre of dance music. It is really fast, usually around 140-170 beats per minute. The oddity here, though, is that a lot of the singing and music in a drum and bass track plays at half of this speed, so usually only the drums are moving this fast. This gives almost a Coltrane-type of feeling to this genre, a sense of chaos and frThough started in the London club scene in the early 90s by Fabio and Grooverider, it has spread rather quickly. It is not uncommon to hear drum and bass in Volkswagen commercials and during movies. In the last couple of years, soundtracks to Senseless, Pi, The Jackal, The Saint and Lost Highway have all contained tracks that could be considered drum and bass. David Bowie completed an entire electronic album in 1997, Earthling, which included quite a bit of drum and bass. That same year, Roni Size’s first major label album, New Forms, won the Brit Award for Album of the Year. It is a very encompassing genre, because just as easily as it can be fierce and manic it can be lush and soothing. Drum and Bass is one of the most creative, innovative, and flexible genres of music today.

It’s good for us to be exposed to something before they know what it is. It helps to ease it into our minds. Drum and Bass is strange enough at times that many people would not even give it a chance had they not already been exposed. At times, it is almost like the science fiction of musical genres, like something we enjoy seeing but turn our heads at the most graphic point. It is not for everyone, but if interested in exploring a bit more, here is a list of wonderful drum and bass albums to get you started: Roni Size/Reprazent—New Forms, Alex Reece—So Far, Goldie—Timeless,Various artists—This Is Jungle Sky,vol. 2, Various artists—Logical Progression, vol. 3, Various artists—Jungle: Sound of the Underground, David Bowie—Earthling,

What Is Boxing?

Boxing is a martial art and a combat sport in which two people, male or female, generally of similar weight, fighteach other with their fists. Boxing is supervised by a referee and is typically engaged in during a series of one- to three-minute intervals called rounds. There are three ways to win. Victory is achieved if the opponent is knocked out and unable to get up before the referee counts to ten seconds (a Knockout, or KO) or if the opponent is deemed too injured to continue (a Technical Knockout, or TKO). If there is no stoppage of the fight before an agreed number of rounds, a winner is determined either by the referee's decision or by judges' scorecards.
Fist fighting depicted in Sumerian relief carvings from the 3rd millennium BC, while an ancient Egyptian relief from the 2nd millennium BC depicts both fist-fighters and spectators. Both depictions show bare-fisted contests. In 1927 Dr. E. A. Speiser, an archaeologist, discovered aMesopotamian stone tablet in Baghdad, Iraq depicting two men getting ready for a prize fight. The tablet is believed to be 7,000 years old. The earliest evidence for fist fighting with any kind of gloves can be found on Minoan Crete (c. 1500–900 BC), and on Sardinia, if we consider the boxing statues of Prama mountains (c. 2000–1000 BC)

Dream Stay At Sipadan Water Village Resort

A stay at sipadan Water Village Resort could very well make you wish it is your home, a dream place where you connect with nature and immerse in its pure beauty and modern comforts that elicit a sense of wonder and awakening.
The internationally renowned first water-cottage island resort in Malaysia stand on stilts above crystal clear water by the the shallow shore of Mabul Island, about 35 minutes boat ride from Semporna town in the east coast of sabah.
Sheltered from the storm, Sipadan Water Village Resort comprises 45 wooden water cottage that are spacious with wide sliding doors that open onto the rooms private deck for the magnificient ocean viewing. Since its opening in 1983, Sipadan Water Village Resort has develop an enviable reputation in every corner around the globe. Its architecture was inspired by the local Bajau Laut's traditional palm thatched houses made of ironwood. Visitors would have the chance to experience the life of the Bajau who are mostly fisherman. The Resort is very concerned about preserving its unspoilt environment, which explains why all of its rooms are equipped with fans, except for two that are air-conditioned. Sipadan Water Village Resort is the one of the best for Holiday.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Why Chef??

what i know about chef is the reality being a chef has its chellenges and this is where we talk about them in a nonsens way. You know the kitchen can often be hot and steamy,the work environment like a presurre cooker, and you're required to work many hours. But we also talk about the unique realeties of each segment;dealing with the executive committee in a hotel, working with hospital patients, and feeding troops in a war zone.

Truthfully, no one thing lured me into this culinary course. I take this course and want become a chef one day because interested to become a chef and it really all started with a love for food. I dont think i ever really accepted that it was easy to make food taste good, it seemed to be so scaredfor by anyone cooking. I still remmember that have some of my friend ask me,do you think you are born to be a chef? and i answer perhaps i'm are, perhaps not, but what i know is we are born with work, ethnics, pride, dedication, and perseverance. We are born to lead, born to teach, born to create! I dind't know what i want ed either.ahahaha

Thursday, November 26, 2009

secrets to living hapilly with your couples!!

You see them holding hands at the movies,strolling arm in arm on the street,shopping mall and many places. These are the happy couples..How do they do it?for your information here the secrete;1- There's are strong connection when you first meet. Ask any happy couple and they probably tell you they felt an instant connection and experienced a profound rapport when they first met. So, there is some truth to the saying "love at the first sight". 2- Different personalities, shared value. This delicate balance allows couples to realize that elusive combination of friendship (based on shared values) and passion (based on different). In many happy relationship,couples manage to be friends and lovers at once, an impressive achievement given that the conditions of friendship are in some ways diametrically opposed to the conditions that promote desire. 3- Respect for each other. A girl in a happy relationship know her man respects her ideas, beliefs and values regardless of whether he understand or egress with them. His love and respect are unconditional;he doesn't judge her. He may express an opinion, but the relationship is secure enough that she is free to disagree. 4- Your partner is always your best friends. Truly happy couples use the phrase "best friends", to describe their relationship. By "best friend", they mean they like each other best, above all others. They spend large amount of time together, talking, and pursuing joint interest. Whatever it is they want to do together. 5- No grudges. Of course, some argue more often and more fiercely than others. But contented couples say the real secret to their happiness is their ability to avoid getting vicious. So,if and when you quarrel, don't ever keep a grudge. When faced with a conflicts,it's okay to blow up and storm about,but then you've got to make a conscious decision to move on. 6- Roll with the changes. Most couples will change a great deal throughout the course of their relationship. Only the few will feel they are exactly the same people they where when they first got together. But happy couples always feel they've change for the batter. 7- Always focus on the positive. As psychologists have known for many years,positive expectations exert a tremendous force for positive result. Couples thrive in a relationship when their partners focus on the positive aspects of their personality and belive each other. 8- Passion and Romance. Many happy couples say friendship is more important than sex. However,a large number of relationship are founded in a deeply sexual love. 9- Power is not a problem. If a man and women truly love each other,they will not battle each other for dominance to see who comes out on top. This is not to say that there is no conflict whatsover in the relayionship,but reather,the arguments are neve,at any level about power and status. In a stable relationship,who pays for what would normally have been sorted out very early on in the relationship!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

"pieces of me"ahahahahaha!

Water flows through rivers
As it flows through my eyes
They say a pieces dreamer
Has lived other lives!
There something more there, i can see it clear
not something you hold in your hand
the end of the circle
it ends with me in eternity
The poet and the dreamer
creating pieces flow
there is world that we possess
that all of you cant know
Beyond just what you can see lies darkness
my life it changes with everything around me
sometime need to go get the hell out of here!!
If you are a soul in need
if you need compassion
i will stand up like a wall right by your side
i can tell what others can tell..
yes, i can read your mind!
Pieces belong in other world at another time
Neptune rules my hours
devoted by your side
The hearth of the pieces
soul lives through time..
through time..
Only you know the answer...